
How to graft a dragon fruit

A Guide to Duplicating Your Dragon Fruit Cactus: Propagation Tips

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is not only a visually stunning fruit but also surprisingly easy to grow at home. While purchasing a dragon fruit cactus from a nursery is one way to start, many enthusiasts prefer to propagate their own plants. Propagating a dragon fruit cactus allows you to expand your collection, share

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Battling Bacterial Gummosis: A Guide to Saving Your Peach Tree

Peach trees are a delightful addition to any orchard or garden, providing delicious fruit and charming blossoms. However, like any plant, they are susceptible to diseases and pests, one of the most common being bacterial gummosis. This ailment can cause significant damage if left unchecked, but with proper care and attention, it is possible to

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How to get rid of backterial blackstop on mangos

Tackling Bacterial Black Spot: Safeguarding Mango Trees

Mango trees, with their lush foliage and sweet fruit, are a cherished sight in tropical and subtropical regions. However, these iconic trees are not immune to diseases, and one of the most troublesome among them is bacterial black spot. Caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae, this disease can wreak havoc on mango orchards

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