How to graft a soursop tutorial step by step

The Art of Grafting Custard Apple Plants: A Step-by-Step Guide

Custard apples, with their delectably sweet and creamy flesh, are a beloved tropical fruit prized for their unique flavor and nutritional benefits. While custard apples can be grown from seeds, grafting offers an efficient method for propagating superior varieties and ensuring consistent fruit quality. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of grafting custard apple plants, from selecting the right materials to executing the grafting process with precision.

Understanding Custard Apple Grafting

Grafting custard apple plants involves uniting the desired scion, which carries the chosen variety’s characteristics, with a compatible rootstock. This technique allows growers to propagate cultivars with superior taste, yield, and disease resistance while maintaining the rootstock’s desirable traits such as vigorous growth and adaptability to local conditions.

Selecting Rootstock and Scion

Rootstock Selection:

  • Choose a rootstock known for its strong, healthy root system and compatibility with custard apple scions.
  • Common rootstocks for custard apples include Annona reticulata and Annona cherimola.
  • Consider the rootstock’s resistance to soil-borne diseases and adaptability to environmental conditions.

Scion Selection:

  • Select scion wood from a mature custard apple tree bearing fruits of the desired variety.
  • Look for scions with vigorous growth, disease-free foliage, and desirable fruit characteristics such as size, flavor, and texture.
  • Varieties like ‘African Pride,’ ‘Pink Mammoth,’ and ‘Hillary White’ are popular choices for their excellent taste and fruit quality.

Tools and Materials Needed

Grafting custard apple plants requires specific tools and materials to ensure clean cuts, proper alignment, and successful healing:

  • Grafting knife or razor blade
  • Grafting tape or rubber bands
  • Grafting wax or sealing compound
  • Alcohol or bleach for sterilization
  • Labels for identifying grafts
  • Plastic bags or humidity dome (optional)

Grafting Techniques

Cleft Grafting:

  1. Prepare the Rootstock:
  • Choose a healthy, young custard apple seedling as the rootstock.
  • Make a vertical slit in the rootstock’s main stem, splitting it into two halves.
  1. Prepare the Scion:
  • Select a scion with 2-4 buds and trim it to a wedge-shaped tip.
  • Make a corresponding wedge-shaped cut at the base of the scion, ensuring it fits snugly into the rootstock cleft.
  1. Joining the Scion and Rootstock:
  • Insert the prepared scion into the cleft of the rootstock, aligning the cambium layers for maximum contact.
  • Ensure the scion is securely seated in the cleft.
  1. Secure the Graft:
  • Bind the graft union with grafting tape or rubber bands, applying gentle pressure to hold it in place.
  1. Seal the Graft:
  • Apply grafting wax or a sealing compound to the graft union to prevent moisture loss and infection.
  1. Post-Graft Care:
  • Shield the grafted plant from direct sunlight to reduce stress and promote healing.
  • Maintain adequate moisture levels in the soil to support root and shoot growth.
  • Monitor the graft union for signs of successful integration, such as budding and new growth.


  • Gradually expose the grafted plant to more sunlight as it establishes.
  • Provide regular watering and fertilization to encourage vigorous growth.
  • Prune any competing shoots or suckers from the rootstock to promote the growth of the grafted scion.
  • Protect the grafted plant from pests and diseases through proper management practices.


Grafting custard apple plants offers growers the opportunity to propagate superior varieties and enhance orchard productivity while preserving desirable rootstock traits. By following proper grafting techniques and providing attentive care, you can unlock the potential for a thriving custard apple orchard teeming with delectable fruits. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a budding enthusiast, mastering the art of custard apple grafting promises a fruitful journey filled with sweet rewards. Happy grafting!